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The New Dawn of Direct
Articles The Thread Team Articles The Thread Team

The New Dawn of Direct

A 3 minute read

With digital transformation the order of the day it’s easy to wave ta-ta to more traditional ways of doing things. But, history teaches us that things don’t change as much as we - and our ‘next-big-thing’ focused industry - would have us believe.

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The flexible working myth.
Articles The Thread Team Articles The Thread Team

The flexible working myth.

A 3 minute read

Increasingly, firms are bringing their teams back to the office – in some cases with employees kicking and screaming! According to data from recruitment companies resignations are reaching a zenith across the UK with a large proportion citing inflexibility around working practices as their major reason.

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Do you have a zero party data strategy yet?
Articles The Thread Team Articles The Thread Team

Do you have a zero party data strategy yet?

A 2 minute read

It is no coincidence that customer experience is rising up the agenda. Ultimately investing in customer experience means structuring the business around the customer, and with the perfect storm of Covid, a greater focus on online privacy and fast-changing consumer habits never has this been more of a priority for businesses.

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Driving value through the Peak-End Rule.
Articles The Thread Team Articles The Thread Team

Driving value through the Peak-End Rule.

A 3 minute read

There are four major types of value; functional, monetary, social and psychological. For brands developing an understanding of how to best leverage each type of value in the right measure for their specific customer cohorts is critical.

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Muda in marketing: How to turn waste into value.
Articles The Thread Team Articles The Thread Team

Muda in marketing: How to turn waste into value.

A 4 minute read

Here at The Thread Team, we hate waste. Detest it. One of our driving principles is the abolition of wasted talent, wasted opportunity and wasted investment. We question out-moded ways of working in order to tackle the scourge that is wastage in marketing.

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The Value Exchange Part 2: Different types of value.
Articles The Thread Team Articles The Thread Team

The Value Exchange Part 2: Different types of value.

A 3 minute read

Value, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder. Different disciplines have very different views of value.  In accounting terms, value is the monetary worth of an asset, business entity, goods sold, services rendered, or liability or obligation acquired.

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The Value Exchange: An Introduction.
Articles The Thread Team Articles The Thread Team

The Value Exchange: An Introduction.

A 2 minute read

It’s a concept we’ve all been getting to grips with. It refers to the much-lauded contract where consumers (we) merrily share our valuable time, attention, personal data and association in return for a customer experience that meets and hopefully, exceeds our expectations..

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