The power of the value exchange.
Fostering brand affinity and generating leads by appealing to audience desires.
Reading time: 2 minutes
The problem
For customers, even the most clued up about cars, the automotive market is a bewildering place with hundreds of models and classes to choose from. So when we were asked to drive desire for a premium performance brand suffering from a lack of consumer awareness we knew we were going to have to do something that achieved stand out.
The hypothesis
For a premium product we needed a premium communication.
We knew the audience for this high end performance model appreciated design, so we commissioned three collectable prints from cutting edge design boutique, ilovedust, which brought to life the visceral thrill and power of the car.
We believed we could leverage the value exchange by creating something of appeal and that this would not only heighten consumer desire for the brand but also ignite action. The key therefore was to get the prints to the right people.
Our strategy
Through smart segmentation we identified two high value target groups from the database:
‘‘Petrol heads’: our car fanatics who truly appreciate all the detailed technical specifications and performance
‘Top of the rangers’: people we identified as being less interested in the performance of the car but motivated by the exclusivity and premium quality of it
These two groups were then sent a beautifully designed DM pack incorporating the prints along with an invitation to take a test drive.
To reinforce the mailer we also converted the prints into compelling emails which were also sent to our two high value groups and to existing customers, lapsed customers and prospects and created animated gifs to be shared on social channels.
The results
Our hypothesis was proven.
Creating and sending something of value to the right people results in not just desire but action.
The campaign generated 230 new leads and had 79 sales attributed to it resulting in incremental revenue of over £3,000,000, and open rate of 30.9% - exceeding the standard benchmark. Compelling in anyone’s book!
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